Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Glyph Monster

This is my monster.  What do you think?


  1. Good to see one that is not a clown, very origonal, but could use some work, not enough text.

  2. Very creative but I agree with Ryan. not enough text.

  3. cool monster!
    I agree with Ryan and Sarah though, add a bit more text to make it more detailed

  4. very original! it looks almost like a monkey cause his feet look like hands. just needs more text

  5. i completely disagree with everybody above me. i know we were suppose to use text and all that stuff, but this is insanely creative. if you added more text i would feel like you'd lose the idea you had and the overall monster. good job :) one of my favorites!

  6. its kinda on the weak side of things cuz if u think about it my monster would destroy yours my monter shoots poison has 15 years of ninja kung f and shoots death stars who could beat that none not even your monster WAT! SON! IM OUT YO PEACE!
